The Market - Country LUXEMBOURG
Thursday 16 January 2025

Placing an ad on THE MARKET is free.

THE MARKET is for individuals and companies.

THE MARKET gives you the possibility to :
1. Send a newsletter to your customers who have registered their email addresses on your page,
2. Place 2 photos .jpg, .jpeg, .gif or .png,
3. Place a video format .webm, .mp4 or .ogg,
4. Place 2 products with one photo for each product,
5. Place a promotional offer (see 'My Account') (optional extra),
6. Place a banner under 'Advertisement' (see 'Contact') (optional extra),
7. SmartShop : You place a promotional offer on the site. A customer, who opened an account in SmartShop can with a smartphone (or tablet) to receive your promotion if it is at a distance of less than 50 m from the address you indicated on your account,
8. Check the number of total visits your ad,
9. Check the number of member 'SmartShop followers' of your ad.

You can manage your ad on "My account" by enter your emailaddress and password.

Form to place your ad
(Javascript must be enabled in order to place your ad)
(Internet Explorer 8 & 9 are not compatible for use with this form)
I offer my skills/expertise in...
I'm looking for someone to...
Sector of activity
(Required field )
(Required field )

Additional Information on your activity

Photo 1 (.jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png)
Photo 2 (.jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png)

Video (.webm, .mp4, .ogg)

I'm a private individual

Name and first name
I am a firm/self-employed

Name and legal form of the company

Opening Hours

Street, number and City Postcode

Zone in Luxembourg
(Required field)
(Required field)

Email address
(Required field)
(Required field)
(Your email address and password will be required to access at "My Account")

Website Telephone number

Mobile number Fax